Tech Talk

Merkle Trees

Brief overview of Merkle Trees

Understanding Timestamps and Timezones

The ability to understand use timestamps effectively seperates rookies from seasoned devs

Java Streams

Lets learn about Java Streams

Reviewing SQL

In this post, we will review the important topics in SQL

Consistent Hashing

Learn consistent hashing - a hashing technique that minimizes cache misses among cache servers

Mastering Binary Trees

Mastering Binary Trees for interviews with ALOT of examples with step by step explinations

Mastering Dynamic Programming

Master Dynamic Programming for Interviews with ALOT of step by step examples and explinations

Architectural Styles

List of commonly used architectural styles along with their components/connecters and benefits/drawbacks.

Design Patterns

Overview of many of the existing design patterns along with their application and examples. These design patterns solve common problems that occur when building large scale software systems.

Supply and Demand

Detailed explinantion of Supply and Demand, and how they impact each other in various settings.

Math Behind a Neural Network

Step by step explination of the math involved in neural networks. Derivation of how commonly used ML equations arise.